Friday, October 16, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
DD News
Kaveri Mukerjee:
This is DD National news, good evening and welcome and the headlines...
The Bharatiya Janata Party has virtually shut the doors on former Rajasthan chief minister Vasundhara Raje.
BJP leader Jaswant Singh admires Jinnah, says he was great.
India wants to buy Mahatma's house in South Africa.
Olympic champion Lin Dan clinches third straight world title.
Blogsville celebrates Blogfare awards in a very grand manner, pulling the world's attention to blogsville.
The news in detail...
blah blah blah.....
blah blah blah....
blah blah blah....
The news will continue after a break...
Welcome back.
Entertainment news
Blogsville celebrates Blogfare awards in a very grand manner in blogspot. All stalwarts of blogsville attended the occasion. Many bloggers from blogsville were presented with awards. Notable few were Gils, R-ampam, G3 and a few more. Lets watch the footage from the awards ceremony.
Show host: We request Mr.Gils to present the next award.
Gils: The next award goes to..... My dear saga and our katchi ellam..ivaruku tharamaa oru awarda..chaancela..intha award enga sagaaku alithaathaal..awardkay perumai :D

KK awards speech: Thank you Gils... I am dumb struck and I am in total loss of words... I am very proud to get this award from you. I want to thank everyone for their support all throughout my bloging years... thank you...
Show Host: For awarding the next award we request Vethuvaettu R-Ambam to come to stage...
R-Ambam: The next award goes to a person who is Notorious for his comments, I wish he updates his blog more often :) It's none other than.... KK!

KK: I am very much elated, to get two awards at the same time. Thank you.
R-ambam: KK wait wait wait, you just can't go like that. There are rules you need to follow before you can get this award.
The rules of the award are as follows:-
Link the person who tagged you-
Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post
Post this in one or all of your Blogs
Answer the four questions following these Rules -
Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them -Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.Questions & Your Answers:
The person who tagged you:
R-Ambam is the one who tagged me with this award. One thing that made me go her blog is her blog title "Vethuvaettu" it was a very innovative name for a blog. She writes small and funny posts which are office friendly :) Wish her to keep continuing her writing for a long time to come.
His/her site's title and url: Vethvaettu (
Date when you were tagged: 10 Aug 2009
Persons you tagged: Blogsville has introduced me to many friends all around the globe. I would like to give both the above awards to the following fellow bloggers.
1. Priya: For her long standing support. She writes many short and sweet thought provoking posts.
2. HTBM: I used to like her posts very much, when she was writing regularly. Now she is back after a break. I would like to give the above awards to her for taking the efforts to come back.
3. Vidya: Another short post blogger., who missing from action for some time. But came back with a bang. This award is for her her zeal after her comeback.
4. Natamai Syam: I am a big fan of his blog. Sad that he doesn't write now a days. Hoping he would come back with bang soon. This award is to encourage him to come back.
Lastly, I would like to say something in tamil...
Ella pugazhum iraivanukke!
God is great!
Thank you!
Weather News, Aug 17th 2009, Chennai will have a high of 32c and a low of 26c with few thunderstorms. There is going to be 60% precipitation and humidity is 89%.
Well, that is all we had for today's news. Good Evening.
Labels: Blogfare Awards
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Bravery? You must be kiddin...
I don't know what to say after watching this video, all I can say is, people are out of their mind to do something like this. If the children were forced to do this, what were the parents doing? They should have protested against such an act being forced on children. Just because its a state government school it does not mean, they can do anything and muffle it using their power. Glad the media brought this up. TN Government should take responsibility and take action on the state higher education minister, whose wife witnessed the event in person and did nothing about it, to stop it.
The Story
The Story
Labels: Opinion